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Halfway to the North Pole!

Santa Steve O

Santa Steve O

Santa Steve O first portrayed Santa in 1983. His father was Santa Claus at Santa’s Village in Bracebridge, Ontario Canada. He was a real bearded Santa Claus and Steve would fill in for him at various events. Santa SteveO had a successful career teaching for 35 years. He would dress up in the Red suit and spread Christmas cheer at all kinds of events. Santa SteveO had the best first-hand in-person training of the greatest Santa Claus on Earth! His father. 

Santa SteveO


Santa Steve O has been standing in for the big guy, literally since 1983. A real beard Santa with twinkling eyes and merry dimples. He sings, Ho Ho Ho’s, winks, and his little round belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly.


Santa Claus can visit just about anywhere!

Santa Claus and Rudolph

Pictures of Santa

Santa Steve is available for Christmas photography sessions. He has a backdrop and a photo booth. Mrs. Claus takes excellent pictures!