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Halfway to the North Pole!


Santa SteveO Steve Olimer featured in Kit Kat commercial

Unexpected Visit Meet Our Special Guest Imagine lounging in your cozy living room when suddenly, a cheerful Santa appears, munching on a KitKat! The surprised couple exchanges astonished glances while their curious children watch this delightful scene unfold. With a relaxed demeanor, Santa captivates the family, turning a typical evening into an unforgettable memory. The […]

Santa SteveO Steve Olimer featured in Kit Kat commercial Read More »

Ho Ho Ho!

As the holiday season approaches, the familiar figure of Santa Claus begins to make appearances in malls, on street corners, and at community events across the country. Whether it’s a child’s visit to Santa’s lap for a photo or a corporate holiday party, the presence of Santa Claus brings a sense of Christmas cheer and

Ho Ho Ho! Read More »